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Lobster rice recipes

The first thing we have to do is make a fish stock by cooking a tomato, a green pepper and an onion for 10 minutes. Add 1 kg of whitebait and the head of a lobster and cook for another 10 minutes. We strain the stock and keep it warm. We make a sauce with a tablespoon of red pepper, an onion, a green pepper and a red pepper.

Add 2 cloves of minced garlic, 50 g of chopped raw almonds and toasted saffron, and cut the body of a lobster into 3 cm medallions. We sauté the lobster with a little extra virgin olive oil. We booked. In a paella we lightly fry 400 g of rice, add the stock of the stock and cook for 8 minutes over high heat. We lower the heat and cook for another 10 minutes. Add the lobster pieces and finish cooking.

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